

The Balanced Development Mode of Compulsory Education under the Context of the Integration of Urban and Rural Education——Taking Changzhou city Jiangsu province as the Example
摘要 区域内义务教育均衡发展模式是各地因地制宜推进城乡教育一体化战略的实践创新。义务教育均衡发展常州模式,旨在为城乡人口提供优质均衡的教育机会及资源,创新推进义务教育集团全区域覆盖为方向的城乡教育优质均衡发展和以保障外来务工人员随迁子女教育权利为表征的城乡教育一体化。市、县政府应该以合理科学的政策选择,赋予不同类别教育集团运行发展为动力支持,加强集团间办学经验的推广及共享;赋予外来务工人员随迁子女平等的教育机会与教育过程,以及外来民工子女学校改善办学条件、教师收入补贴等政策支持。 The regional balanced development model of compulsory education is the practical innovation that promotes the integration strategy of urban and rural education for the region to adjust the measures to local conditions.The Changzhou model of balanced development of compulsory education,aims to provide high quality and balanced educational opportunities and resources in urban and rural population,innovate and push forward the balanced development of high quality education that compulsory education group provide for whole area of the urban and rural,and to ensure the integration of urban and rural education for the characterization of migrant workers' children education right who accompanied them.City and county government should be based on reasonable and scientific policy choice,give the driving force support to different kinds of education group development,enhance the promotion and sharing of school-running experience among the group;give equal educational opportunity and education process to migrant workers' children who accompanied them,and improve school conditions of migrant workers' children,enhance the teacher's income subsidies and policy support.
作者 宋国英
出处 《煤炭高等教育》 2012年第5期106-110,共5页 Meitan Higher Education
基金 国家社会科学课题"城乡教育一体化研究"(BGA090017) 江苏省哲学社会科学"城乡教育一体化研究--以常州市为例"(2011SJD880048)
关键词 义务教育均衡发展模式 义务教育集团 政策选择 balanced development mode of compulsory education compulsory education group policy choice
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