
艺术性语言培训对于提高实习护生护患沟通能力的影响 被引量:2

The effect of artistic language training on improvement of nursing students' ability in nurse-patient communication
摘要 通过对实习护生在妇产科门诊进行艺术性语言交流的强化培训,旨在提高门诊实习护生的护患沟通能力。我们自行制定并要求每名实习护生熟练掌握和自然运用规范的文明用语,配合灵活机动的艺术性语言交流方式,确保护患沟通的和谐顺畅。实习护生通过艺术性语言的教学培训,提高了其护患沟通能力,实现了护理服务零投诉。总之,在门诊护理教学中,增加对实习护生艺术性语言的培训内容,不但可以提高实习护生的语言沟通能力,更能营造温馨和谐的就诊氛围,避免服务投诉。 The intensive training of using artistic language for nursing students in obstetrics and gynecology outpatient service, aimed to improve their communication ability. We designed the standard civilized languages and required nursing students to master and use them, with flexible communi- cation of artistic language, to maintain the effective nurse-patient communication. The artistic language training, improved the ability of nurse-patient communication, and no complaint occurred in clinic nursing service. Increasing artistic language training not only improved nursing students' language communication ability, but also created a warm and harmonious atmosphere to avoid the complaints.
出处 《中国病案》 2012年第11期69-69,68,共2页 Chinese Medical Record
关键词 实习护生 艺术性语言 培训 妇产科门诊 Nursing students Artistic language Training Gynecology outpatients
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