进入21世纪,我国的外语教育面临着前所未有的挑战,传统的教育教学模式远远不能适应新形势下经济社会发展对外语类人才的要求。依托项目的外语教学模式(PBI)则为我国外语教学改革提供了一个可供借鉴的思路。本文试用Paulo Freire的解放教育理论解读依托项目的外语教学模式,旨在说明PBI不仅有着牢固的认识论基础,而且具有深厚的教育学基础,符合教育教学的普遍规律,具有较强的适用性和可行性,理应为我们所借鉴。
21st century has posed challenges to foreign language education in China because traditional ways of foreign language teaching are not able to cope with the ever-increasing demands of social and economic development of our country. Project-based instruction offers us a feasible way to reform traditional instructional practice. This paper tries to use Freire's influential theory of Literatory Pedagogy to interpret project-based foreign language learning in order to provide educational rationale for adopting and implementing PBL in foreign language education.
Future and Development