
吐蕃“尚”、“论”与“尚论”考释──吐蕃的社会身份分类与官僚集团的衔称 被引量:11

Research on zhang and blon and zhang lon of Tubo ——Classification of Social Identities and Titles of Bureaucratic Groups of Tubo
摘要 吐蕃王朝为区别出任官员的贵族身份,采用"zhang"(尚)及"blon"(论)二种名词予以界定。对于"zhang"、"blon"二名词的意义,所指涉者为何?以及文献上经常将"zhang blon"联用,而以"zhang lon"(尚论)形式呈现,因而造成了汉史料以及学界对"zhang"、"blon"乃至"zhang lon"的解释与说明与古藏文文献所呈现者有所歧异。对"zhang"、"blon"乃至"zhang lon"等名词的理解,事关吐蕃社会身份的分类,以及社会政治制度的内涵与发展,含混不得。本文的目的即在于厘清"尚"、"论"与"尚论"的意义。 The authority of Tubo Kingdom intended to make a distinction of nobility between officials by using nouns of zhang and blon. In documents, zhang and blon were usually placed together in the form of zhang lon. It led to different explanations and interpretations of zhang and blon and zhang lon by Chinese historians and scholars and in ancient Tibetan documents. The author argues that the meaning of zhang and blon and zhang Ion should be understood on the basis of classification of social identities, as well as connotation and development of social and political systems of Tubo, The aim of this paper is to clarify the meaning of these terms.
作者 林冠群
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期68-81,共14页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 吐蕃王朝 官僚衔称 “尚” “论” “尚论” Tubo Kingdom bureaucratic titles zhang blon zhang lon
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