目的:建立人血浆中表柔比星浓度的测定方法。方法:采用HPLC法测定,色谱柱为Waters XTerra C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm),流动相为乙腈-水(30∶70,pH 2.5),柔红霉素为内标,荧光检测波长为λex=465 nm,λem=550 nm,样品在碱性条件下,用乙酸乙酯液液萃取、浓集后进样。结果:表柔比星在0.02~40μg·ml-1浓度范围内线性关系良好(r=0.999 5,n=12),日内RSD<3.20%,日间RSD<4.71%,方法回收率95.28%~104.62%。结论:该方法简便可靠、专属性好、精密度高,可用于人血浆中表柔比星浓度的测定。
Objective: To establish a method for the determination of epirubicin in human plasma by HPLC.Method: The HPLC method was carried out on a Waters symmtry C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5 μm)column using acetonitrile-water(30∶ 70,pH 2.5)as the mobile phase,and the detection wavelengths was λex=465 nm and λem=550 nm.The alkalized sample was extracted with ethylacetate1.After evaporation of the organic layer,the residue was dissolved by the mobile phase and determined.Result: The calibration curve of epirubicin was linear over the range of 0.02-40 μg·ml-1(r=0.999 5,n=12).The inter-day precision was less than 3.20% and the intra-day precision was less than 4.71%.The method recovery was 95.28%-104.62%.Conclusion: The method is simple,accurate and reproducible,and it can be used in the determination of epirubicin in human plasma.
China Pharmacist