文章鉴于网上可用VPN代理软件存在服务器端不可信等问题,提出利用基于SSLVPN协议的开放源代码Open VPN软件,分析改写后构建安全浏览系统。随后对虚拟网卡型和本地Tunnel代理两类SSL VPN系统进行复合应用测试取得成功,通过抓包软件分析其原理,证明其增强了浏览信息的安全性和逆向追溯源端的难度,最后提出了相应的等级保护体系。
Considering the incredibility of the VPN server existed in the VPN proxy softwarewhich are available on line, this paper proposes to construct a secure browsing system through analyzing and rewriting the open source code of Open VPN software which bases on SSL VPN protocol. By combining the virtual network adapter type with the local tunnel proxy type and analyzing the mechanism of the composite application,it is proved that the security of browsing and the difficulty of reverse tracing are both improved largely. A security classification protection system is proposed finally.
Netinfo Security