
IPv6环境下网络取证研究 被引量:11

A Research on Network Forensics in IPv6 Environment
摘要 随着IPv4地址即将耗尽,IPv4向IPv6过渡已成为必经之路。IPv6的应用将对网络取证技术产生重大影响,文章以分析IPv6协议的基本报文格式、IPSec协议为基础,对IPv6和IPv4进行了对比,提出了IPv6环境下以及在IPv4向IPv6过渡期的网络取证的特点和存在的难点。 As IPv4 addresses are going to exhausted, IPv4 replaced by IPv6 is the only way. The application of IPv6 will impact network forensics significantly. IPv6 addressing, packet structure, and IPSec protocols are explained in this paper. According to the contrast of IPv6 and IPv4, the main and difficult points of network forensics in IPv6 environment and during the IPv4 to IPv6 transition period are proposed in this paper.
作者 梅锋 孙东滨
出处 《信息网络安全》 2012年第11期82-85,共4页 Netinfo Security
关键词 IPV6 IPSEC 网络取证 下一代互联网 IPv6 IPSec network forensics next generation intemet
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