
西夏五台山信仰斟议 被引量:15

Notes on the Mount Wutai worshipping in the Xixia Dynasty
摘要 西夏统治时期,文殊信仰流行,尤其是文殊信仰所具有的护国、护王功能,对西夏统治者具有巨大的诱惑力。作为文殊菩萨的道场,山西五台山成为包括西夏在内东亚地区佛教信徒所崇拜的对象。五台山信仰在西夏建国之前即已流行,德明、元昊都曾遣使朝拜五台山。1038年,元昊脱离宋朝自立,建立大夏国。此后,夏宋对峙,时常处于战争状态,西夏统治者无法再朝拜五台山,即使西夏僧徒前往五台山朝拜也会困难重重。于是,西夏统治者效法辽朝及朝鲜、日本将五台山移入本境的做法,依据五台山寺庙的样式,在贺兰山中新建北五台山寺。该寺具体地址史无记载,但考古学证据显示,其地大致在贺兰山拜寺口双塔一带,建成时间当在元昊统治时期。作为西夏皇家寺院,该寺人才辈出,涌现出不少名僧,编集并翻译了多种佛教典籍。其中,北五台山寺高僧杨智幢被称作"国师",体现了该寺所享有的崇高地位。 During the Xixia Dynasty, believes of Bodhisattva Manjusri was popular, because of the functions of Bodhi- sattva Mafijugri protecting the nation and its rulers. These functions have the great temptation to the Xixia rulers. As the residence of Mafijugri, Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province becomes a most famous mountain in the East Asia and served as one of the worshipping targets of the Western Xixia Dynasty. Before the Xixia established, Mount Wutai worshipping has become popular, therefore, Deming, and Yuanhao, rulers of Xixia sent special envoys to worship the Mount Wutai. In 1038, Yuanhao established the xixia Dynasty, and broke away from the Song Dynasty. After that, the relation between Song and Xixia were not good, they often in a state of war, so, the rulers of Xixia could not longer worship Mount Wutai, even if the Xixia monks would be difficult pilgrimage to Mount Wutai. Then, follow the exam- pie of the Liao, and Korea, Japan, rulers of the Xixia set up a new Mount Wutai, namely the Northern Mount Wutai in the Helan Mountains, according to the style of the Mount Wutai in Shanxi. Concerning the address of monastery, no historical records mentioned, but the archaeological evidence shows that their place maybe in the area of the Twin Towers located in the Helan Mountain. It' s built in the time when ~uanhao domination and served as the royal mon- astery of the Xixia. The monastery was full of talents, and had emerged many famous monks who compiled and trans- lated a number of Buddhist canons from Chinese or Tibetan into Tangut. Especially the monk Yang Zbizhuang from the Northern Mount Wutai Temple was named as the State Preceptor, and reflects the high status of the monastery en- joyed.
作者 杨富学
出处 《西夏研究》 2010年第1期14-22,共9页 Xixia Research
关键词 西夏 五台山 北五台山寺 佛教 文殊菩萨 the Xixia Dynasty Mount Wutai Northern Mount Wutai Temple Buddhism Bodhisattva Mafijusrui
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