
基于结构方程模型的服装实际工时定额影响因素研究 被引量:3

Study on the Fixed Factor of Actual Working Hours in Clothing Production Based on Structural Equation Model
摘要 在服装生产过程中,合理的工时定额是影响服装生产效率的关键.针对影响服装生产实际工时定额的影响因素,本文采用问卷调研方法,运用结构方程模型理论,构建了服装生产实际工时定额的评价指标体系及评价模型.研究结论显示,在服装生产中,工人的努力程度对服装实际工时定额的影响程度最大,工人的熟练程度、工厂生产环境次之.因此,工厂可以采取激发工人工作积极性、提升工人技术熟练度、改善车间生产环境等相应措施来减少生产的实际工时定额,提高生产效率. Fixed factors impacting the actual working hours in clothing production in the garment production process. This paper use structural equation modeling theory to construct the evaluation index system and evaluation model for actual working hours of garment production. The study showed that, in clothing production, the effort level of the workers affected actual hours of the gar- ment production mostly, the factory production environment followed by workers' proficiency. The factory can be targeted to take the appropriate incentives to stimulate the enthusiasm of the workers, and appropriate incentives should be taken such as enhancing the proficiency of the workers, impro- ving shop working environment to reduce the actual working hours of clothing production, and pro- moting production efficiency.
作者 赵冉 丁雪梅
出处 《北京服装学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期26-32,共7页 Journal of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 上海市科委2010年度制造业信息化重大专项(10dz1123300)
关键词 服装生产 实际工时定额 结构方程模型 clothing production actual working hours structural equation model
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