水处理氯化消毒过程中产生THMs副产物的问题已得到人们的普遍关注 ,在人们对用水质量要求日益提高而同时水污染问题又日益突出的今天 ,生产安全可靠的饮用水已成为社会的迫切要求。文章对源水中溴化物与不同消毒剂在氧化消毒过程中的反应并形成THMs类有害副产物的潜势进行了分析 。
This paper gives attention to harmful THM formation during water chlorination and disinfection and indicates that there is an increasingly urgent need for clean potable water. It discusses the reactions between bromide and different disinfectants, their THM formation potentials, advantages and disadvantages and water disinfectants, and finally suggests the main points on the control ways of THM formation.
Journal of Suzhou Institute of Urban Construction and Environmental Protection