
短暂脑缺血发作短期发展为脑梗死1例报告 被引量:1

Transient Ischemic Attack short-term Development for Cerebral Infarction 1 Case Report
摘要 报告1例短暂脑缺血发作(TIA)治疗失败短期发展为脑梗死典型病例,探析中风先兆病因病机系脏腑气血虚损而致内生痰、火、风、瘀等实邪,TIA发展为脑梗死的危险因素乃脑血管狭窄、脑梗死病史、高龄、高血压、TIA发作时间较长,结合"治未病"化痰、滋阴、息风、化瘀等方法中医药干预可防治中风先兆,改善TIA的预后,减少TIA发展为脑梗死,从而预测TIA长期预后,期望提醒重视中医药对TIA早期干预,改善TIA患者长期预后。 Report a case of a treatment failure transient ischemic attack(TIA) short-term development for cerebral infarction clinical typical cases,this aura stroke pathogenesis system viscera gas blood deficiency caused damage in phlegm and retained fluid、 fire 、wind、 stasis etc real evil.TIA development for cerebral infarction risk factors is cerebrovascular stenosis,cerebral infarction history,elderly patients,hypertension,a TIA time is long.Combine the methods of prevent disease in traditional Chinese medicine such as nourishing yin,calming wind,promoting circulation and removing stasis can control stroke aura,and improve the prognosis of TIA,reduce TIA development for cerebral infarction,to predict TIA long-term prognosis.Expect to remind attach importance to traditional Chinese medicine to TIA early intervention,improve TIA patients with long-term prognosis.
作者 郝姗姗 黎凯
机构地区 辽宁中医药大学
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2012年第11期63-64,共2页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 短暂脑缺血发作 脑梗死 中风先兆 病因病机 脑梗死危险因素 治未病 长期预后 病例报告 Ransient ischemic attack Cerebral infarction Premonitory apoplexy Etiology and pathology Risk factors for cerebral infarction Preventive treatment of disease Long-term prognosis Case report
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