Nine Liaoning Cashmere Goats (3.2±0 2 years old, body weight=23.11±1.03 kg) were randomly divided into three groups to investigate rumen parameters of acid and nitrogen metabolizing fed with three ra- tions made mainly of corn stalk, soybean stalk and peanut stalk respectively. All the rams were fed at 8:00 and 16:00, and ad libitum drink. The results showed there were no significant diffrence among the three groups in the value of rumen pH, lactic acid, TVFA and valeric acid though TVFA, acetic acid, acetone acid, buty acid and ~aleric acid were increasing from group I to Ill .There were extremityly significant diffrence{P〈O.01 } be- tweeen group I and U ,.group I and m in rumen NH4-NNH4-N; There was significant diffrence{P〈0.05} betweeen group I and ]1I in tureen UN; there were no significant diffrence(P 〈 0.05) among all the groups in ru- men BCP and MCP although the values increasing from group Ⅰ to Ⅲ. And the relationship between rumen MCP(y, g/d) arid TVFA (μ mmol/L) was: y = 2.32x + 2.22, r2 = 0.61, P〈 0.05; the relationship between rumen MCP(y,g/d) and acetone acid{x,mmol/L} was:y= 0.23x + 9.68, r2 = 0.64, P〈0.05;the relationship between ru- men MCP(y,g/d) and UN {x,mg/L) was: y = 1.32x + 2.53, r2= 0.78, P〈0.05. In conclusion the rumen mierobse produce more MCP in rumen fed with ration made mainly of peanut stalk than others, and the utilization efficiency of feed was the higest.
Modern Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine
Liaoning Cashmere Goat ~Rumen environment