The project for comprehensive utilization of all elements in stalks developed by the Shandong Jiahe Biomass Limited Liability Company has been operating.The one-pass processing of various kinds of stalks can produce such products as paper pulp(cellulose),ethanol and compound fertilizers.
The project for comprehensive utilization of all elements in stalks developed by the Shandong Jiahe Biomass Lim- ited Liability Company has been operating. The one-pass processing of various kinds of stalks can produce such products as paper pulp (cellulose), ethanol and compound fertilizers. The investment in this project totals 600 million RMB us- ing biotechnology with independent intellectual property rights is operating on various kinds of plant stalks. The project after startup in full scale will process 200 kt/a of stalks to deliver 100 kt/a of cellulose, 100 kt/a of bio- organic fertilizer, and 20 kt/a of fuel ethanol.