
早发型重度子痫前期临床治疗体会89例 被引量:2

摘要 目的:探讨早发型重度子痫前期临床表现及治疗措施,为临床的治疗提供依据,从而延长孕周。方法:根据临床89例患者的临床特点,总结临床治疗体会和经验。结果:本组89例孕妇根据不同的临床表现和特点进行对症治疗和护理,严密监测母胎变化,使孕龄平均延长7~18天,其中有14例不理想。8例严重低蛋白血症,3例血压控制不理想,3例发生胎盘早剥,共14例及时终止妊娠(15.7%)。结论:根据孕妇不同程度的伴有常见、特有的妊娠期高血压病症,掌握其病发早、病情极易加重的特征,临床要严密观察孕妇各项身体指征,及时终止妊娠,以免造成对母婴的极大危害。 Objective:To investigate the early onset of severe preeclampsia clinical manifestations and treatment measures,provide a basis for clinical treatment,thus prolonging the gestational age.Clinical experience and experience of the clinical features of 89 cases of patients with clinical summary.The results of 89 cases of pregnant women in this group depending on the clinical manifestations and characteristics of symptomatic treatment and care,close monitoring of maternal fetal changes,gestational age extend from 7 to 18 days on average,of which 14 cases is not satisfactory.Eight cases of severe hypoproteinemia,three cases of blood pressure control is not ideal,three cases of placental abruption,a total of 14 cases in a timely manner of termination of pregnancy.Accounting for 15.7% of the total number of patients.The conclusions of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and pregnancy specific and common diseases,early onset,severe illness,have done great harm to the mother and child.The clinical need to strictly control the indications for termination of pregnancy.
作者 李艳丽
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第30期182-183,共2页
关键词 早发型 重度子痫前期 治疗体会 early onset Preeclampsia Treatment experience
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