

A New Cooperative Movement Control Law Using Virtual Formation Guidance for Multiple UAVs
摘要 针对多UAV协同运动控制问题,研究了一种非线性制导跟踪控制律,利用期望航迹和UAV的位置关系推导出侧向加速度表达式,在侧向加速度作用下实现对期望航迹的准确跟踪。提出了一种虚拟队形制导协同运动控制方法,首先设计了虚拟队形的期望航迹,采用非线性制导律实现多UAV对虚拟队形的航迹跟踪,在此基础上,通过协同成员间的通信建立位置误差控制方程,实现速度的补偿控制,将UAV调整到期望的队形位置上。仿真结果表明,该方法能有效实现多UAV的协同运动。 A new cooperative movement control law for multiple UAVs using a nonlinear virtual formation guidance law is presented in this paper. The nonlinear guidance law is studied for a single UAV following a desired path independent, and the stability of the guidance law is proved. The virtual formation path is derived from the desired path based on the designed structure. The motion of multiple UAVs is controlled by the guidance law when following the virtual formation path. Aimed at need of cooperative movement, this paper derives a velocity control law to compensate the error of formation. The computer simulations demostrates favorable properties of the proposed in cooperative movement control law.
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期24-28,共5页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60904038)
关键词 协同运动控制 虚拟队形 制导 scooperative movement control,virtual formation, guidance
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