

Analgesic Effect of Acupotomy Lysis of Scapular Muscles on Patients with Lateral Elbow Pain of Different Grades of Scapular-axillary Tenderness
摘要 目的:观察针刀松解肩胛三肌对肘外侧疼痛患者的镇痛效果。方法:选择通过常规治疗无效的60例患肘外侧疼痛患者共66肘,根据肩三肌压痛程度分轻、中、重3组(分别为12例、32例、16例),所有病人均用针刀松解肩三肌治疗,治疗1~2次,治疗间隔1周,治疗后2周和2月后做疗效评定。结果:2周和2月两次疗效评定3组均有明显差异(P<0.05),压痛程度重的效果好,程度轻的疗效差,而3组各自在前后两次评定对比没有明显差异(P>0.05)。结论:针刀松解肩胛三肌对肘外侧疼痛患者具有明显镇痛效果,而且肩三肌压痛越明显治疗效果越好。 Objective:To observe the analgesic effect of praspinatus, teres major and teres minor) on patients with elbow pain, involving 66 painful elbows in total, without performing acupotomy lysis of scapular muscles (su- lateral elbow pain. Methods :60 patients with lateral relieving after routine treatment, were included. Ac- cording to the grade of scapular muscles tenderness, they were classified into slight group, moderate group and severe group with 16 cases, 32 cases and 12 cases respectively. All patients were received acupotomy lysis once a week, once or twice in total. Evaluate the efficacy at the second week and the second month after the treat- ment. Results: There was a significant difference ( P 〈 0. 05 ) on clinical efficacy between the three groups either the first time or the second time for the evaluation. The patients with severe pain showed better outcome while the patients with less pain had less efficacy. However, in the three individual groups, there was no significant difference( P 〉 0. 05 )between the two assessments made at different time. Conclusion:Performing acupotomy lysis of scapular muscles ( supraspinatus, teres major and teres minor) on patients with lateral elbow pain shows a significantly analgesic effect. The more painful the tenderness,is the better the efficacy they get.
出处 《针灸临床杂志》 2012年第10期32-34,共3页 Journal of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion
关键词 针刀 肩三肌 肘外侧 疼痛 镇痛 Acupotomy Scapular muscles Lateral elbow Pain Analgesic effect
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