观察了给予尿道伤害性刺激后 FOS阳性神经元在大鼠腰骶髓内分布情况。在向大鼠尿道内导入1 0 0μl 2 %福尔马林后 ,大量 FOS阳性神经元出现在脊髓腰 6和骶 1节段的后角内侧部和后连合核内。双侧切断阴部神经几乎可完全阻断 FOS在腰骶髓的表达 ,但 FOS表达不受切断双侧盆神经的影响。行为学观察发现神经完整的大鼠和切断盆神经的大鼠在福尔马林刺激后表现为频繁舔舐尿道外口 ,而切断阴部神经的大鼠则未见此明显的行为学反应。结果提示 ,大鼠腰 6和骶 1节段的后角内侧部和后连合核可能为脊髓内接受尿道伤害性信息的主要区域 ,尿道的伤害性信息是由阴部神经传入的。
FOS protein in the lumbosacral spinal cord of the rat was detected to study neuronal activation induced by noxious stimulation of the urethra. In rats receiving infusion of 100 μl of 2% formalin into the urethra, a large number of FOS positive neurons were seen in the lumbosacral cord segments (L6 and S1), and they were primarily distributed in the medial dorsal horn and dorsal commissural nucleus. Nearly all of FOS expression was blocked by bilateral transection of the pudendal nerve, whereas bilateral transection of the pelvic nerve seemed to have no obvious effect on FOS expression.Behavioral changes were also observed in the nerve transected rats. Bilateral pelvic nerve transected rats showed frequently licking of the external urethral orifice after application of the irritant to the urethra, which was quite similar to that of the nerve intact rats. Such behavior completely disappeared in the rats receiving bilateral pudendal nerve transection. The results suggest that the medial dorsal horn and dorsal commissural nucleus in the L6 and S1 segments are involved in processing nociceptive inputs from the urethra, which is carried by the pudendal nerve. [
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