

The instantaneous stop delay detection based on DSP
摘要 利用数字图像处理技术,开发一套基于DSP的嵌入式系统,在两帧图像之间实现瞬时停车延误在实际交通流的测量。最后使用两个方案验证系统检测的可靠性:第一方面以人工目测值作为检验标准,验证嵌入式系统的检测效果。连续200 min、80个灯时数据验证,瞬时停车延误极值点相对误差有77.5%的数据在12.5%以内,机测数据与目测数据瞬时停车延误达到极值点的时间间隔偏差88.75%在4 s以内;第二通过问卷调查,由测试者对系统的各项功能进行打分评定,验证了系统检测到的瞬时停车延误曲线基本符合人眼的观测评价。 A set of embedded system based on the DSP is developed to realize the detection algorithm of instantaneous stopped delay and achieve the total amount of instantaneous stopped delay of each frame in the continuous video stream. Two methods are used to test the reliability of system. One method is that the artificial visual value is regarded as the criterion to validate the detection results of embedded system using the experimental data of 80 signal cycles, and the results show that the relative error of 77.5% instantaneous stopped delay extreme points is less than 12.5%, the 88.75% deviation of reaching the instantaneous stopped delay extreme points between the machine measured data and visual data is within 4s ; the other is that the system's various functions are evaluated by the observer through the questionnaire survey, and the results show that the curve of instantaneous stopped delay is basically consistent with that of the observed results. It shows that the system can accurately obtain the total amount of instantaneous stopped delay in traffic scene.
出处 《陕西理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第6期24-28,共5页 Journal of Shananxi University of Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50522204)
关键词 信号灯 交叉口 信号灯控制策略 瞬时停车延误 traffic signal intersection signal control strategy instantaneous stop delay
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