
聚硅氧烷/聚己内酯/环氧树脂复合体系的制备及性能 被引量:2

Preparation and Properties of Polydimethysiloxane/Polycaprolactone/Epoxy Resin Composites
摘要 采用端硅氧烷基聚己内酯/聚硅氧烷混合物(PCL-TESi/PDMS-TESi)作为增韧剂和无机前驱物,通过与环氧树脂(EP)共混制得聚硅氧烷/聚己内酯/环氧树脂复合体系。利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X光电能谱(XPS)对复合体系进行了两相相容性分析和表面元素分析,并研究了体系的拉伸性能、耐热性和耐水性。结果表明:复合体系在固化过程中,Si元素在一定程度上向表面迁移富集;随着PCL-TESi/PDMS-TESi量的增加,两相形貌经历了"海岛"结构-IPN结构-"海岛"结构的变化;当复合体系中PCL-TESi/PDMS-TESi与EP质量比为5∶5时,断裂伸长率由0%提高到27%,抗拉强度基本不变,5%失重时的热分解温度从155.8℃提高到310.2℃,在50℃蒸馏水中浸泡7天后质量变化率小于1%。 A series of resin composites were prepared by blending epoxy and Silyl-terminated polyprolactone/polydimethysiloxane(PCL-TESi/PDMS-TESi).The morphology and the surface element of composites system were investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.Mechanical properties,water-resistance properties and thermal properties of the composites were also studied.The results showed that the morphologies,mechanical properties,water resistance properties and thermal properties of the composites were quite dependent on the content of PCL-TESi/PDMS-TESi.The Si element migrated toward surface to some extent.When mass ratio of PCL-TESi/PDMS-TESi and epoxy was 5∶5,the mass change of composite is below 1% after soaked in distilled water at 50℃ for 7 days,the elongation rate at break increased from 0% to 27% while tensile strength remain 23MPa,and in thermogravimetry analysis(TGA),the characteristic decomposition temperature at 5% mass loss was evidently increased from 155.8℃ of pure epoxy to 310.2℃.
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期34-37,71,共5页 Journal of Materials Engineering
关键词 端硅氧烷基聚己内酯 聚硅氧烷 环氧树脂 力学性能 耐热性 耐水性 silyl-terminated polyprolactone/polydimethysiloxane epoxy resin mechanical property thermal properties water-resistance property
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