目的:探讨腺病毒介导的p53与p16基因联合对人肺腺癌GLC-82疗效提高的可能性。方法:将分别携有p53基因、p16基因重组腺病毒(Ad-p53与 Ad-p16)联合使用,通过细胞生长和存活实验、克隆形成实验、流式细胞分析、TUNEL检测、RT-PCR分析、免疫组织化学实验,观察其对人肺腺癌GLC-82细胞的作用。结果:在总感染强度相同的前提下,Ad-p53与Ad-p16联合导入GLC-82细胞,对细胞生长存活及克隆形成能力的抑制、以及所造成的凋亡效果比施用单种基因的效果强,表明p53基因与p16基因在体外疗效上互为协同。结论:Ad-p53与Ad-p16联合,可以提高对人肺腺癌GLC-82细胞的疗效。
Objective: To determine the effect of Ad-53 and Ad-16 both alone and in combination on the growth of human lung adeuocarcinoma cell line GLC-82. Methods: Human lung adenocarcinoma cell line GM-82 were trasferredvia an adenovirus-me- diated p53 gene (Ad-p53), P16 gene Ad-p16 or both.Cell growth inhibition assay, colony formation,flow cytometry assay, TUNEL, RT-PCR and immunhistochemistry assays were used to evaluate the therapeutic efficiency of such strategy on trasferred cells. Results: in vitro experiments, at the same dose of Ad (multiplicity of infection), simultaneous transfer of Ad-p53 and Ad-p16 to GLC-82 cells caused stronger therapeutic efficacy than caused by slope kind of Ad transfer, demonstrating that Ad-p53 treatment has synergistic efficacy with Ad-p16 treatment on GLC-82 cells. cells.Ad-p53 for GLC-82 cells shows enhanced therapeutic efficiency when combined with Ad-p16.
Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy