
大棚肺动物模型多层螺旋CT与病理对照研究 被引量:2

Animal Model of Farmer's Lung: Multi-slice CT Manifestations in Comparison with Pathological Findings
摘要 目的比较农民大棚肺动物模型的多层螺旋CT(MSCT)与病理表现。资料与方法将22只成年健康豚鼠随机分为实验组(16只)和对照组(6只)。实验组鼻滴吸入热吸水链霉菌抗原制剂,分为实验1组8只(持续鼻滴14d)及实验2组8只(持续鼻滴90d);对照组鼻滴吸入生理盐水。各组按不同时间给予干预后行MSCT扫描和病理检查,观察各组的CT与病理表现。结果实验组15只于2周内肺部CT见弥漫性磨玻璃影、大片实变影或斑片及小结节样磨玻璃影。90d时,实验1组出现索条影,而实验2组表现为磨玻璃样斑片影、结节影及索条影混合存在。14d内实验组病理表现有弥漫性肺泡损伤、淋巴细胞浸润性间质炎症、非干酪样肉芽肿;随后出现不同程度的肺泡间质纤维化,90d时表现为肺泡间质纤维化、间质性肺炎;第7天时实验1组1只豚鼠CT表现正常,病理表现为支气管周围炎。对照组各时间点肺野清晰,肺泡结构正常。结论农民大棚肺动物模型的影像学及病理演变与过敏性肺炎一致,病理改变早于CT改变。 Purpose To compare the multi-slice CT (MSCT) manifestations of animal model of greenhouse farmer's lung with pathologic findings. Materials and Methods 22 adult healthy guinea pigs were divided into experimental group (16 pigs, receiving Streptomyces Thermohydroscopicus by nasal instillation) and control group (6 pigs, receiving normal sodium by nasal instillation). The experimental group was further divided into subgroup 1 (8 pigs, 14 days for nasal instillation) and subgroup 2 (8 pigs, 90 days for nasal instillation). After intervention, the pigs underwent MSCT scan and pathology examination at different times, the CT and pathologic features were observed. Results 15 pigs in the experimental group demonstrated pulmonary abnormalities within two weeks including diffuse ground glass opacities, multiple air space consolidations or patchy ground glass opacities and nodules. At 90 days, fibrous stripes were found in subgroup 1. In subgroup 2, there were combination of patchy ground glass opacities, nodules and fibrous stripes. The pathologic findings in experimental group including diffuse alveolar damage, bronchiolecentric interstitial pneumonitis with a predominance of lymphocytes or noncaseating granulomas. Then different extent interstitial fibrosis appeared. At 90 days, the histological features presented with mixed interstitial fibrosis and interstitial pneumonia. In control group, the lungs were clear with normal alverolar structure. Conclusion The radiologic features of animal model of greenhouse farmer's lung is consistent with hypersensitivity pneumonitis, but the histologic manifestation appears earlier than that of CT.
出处 《中国医学影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期813-816,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 农民肺 肺泡炎 外源性变应性 肺纤维化 体层摄影术 X线计算机 疾病模型 动物 豚鼠 Farmer's lung Alveolitis extrinsic allergic Pulmonary fibrosis Tomography X-ray computed Disease models animal Guinea pigs
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