Gary J. Blomquist and Anne-Genevirve Bagnbres (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2010 ISBN 978-0- 521-89814-0, Hardback, pp. 492, 70.00 Who of us does not know how magic is love dancing in dragonflies, or waggle honebees' dance, flushing in the firefly, or traveling of "orange cloud" during migration of monarch butterflies? And, if those behaviors are magical for us, how magical are they for themselves? How special is insect "vocabulary" during their communication?
Gary J. Blomquist and Anne-Genevirve Bagnbres (eds.), Cambridge University Press, 2010 ISBN 978-0- 521-89814-0, Hardback, pp. 492, 70.00 Who of us does not know how magic is love dancing in dragonflies, or waggle honebees' dance, flushing in the firefly, or traveling of "orange cloud" during migration of monarch butterflies? And, if those behaviors are magical for us, how magical are they for themselves? How special is insect "vocabulary" during their communication?