
美国存款保险制度评述 被引量:11

Deposit Insurance Institution in America:A Literature Review
摘要 美国在全球首创存款保险制度,但是该制度在维护银行体系稳定的同时,激励了银行的道德风险。以道德风险为主线,对美国存款保险制度相关成果分三部分进行了梳理:一是制度建立的原因;二是道德风险及其产生的原因;三是控制道德风险的理论研究及制度改革的研究,并在此基础上对相关文献进行了评价。美国存款保险制度发展史和研究史证明,道德风险是存款保险制度的固有缺陷,能否规避道德风险决定了制度运行的成败。 America originates deposit insurance globally which maintains the banking stability and incentivizes the mor al hazard of banks. From the perspective of moral hazard,the literature on deposit insuranee institution in America was re viewed in three parts :firstly ,studies about the reason for setting up it ;secondly ,studies about moral hazard and reasons for its existence;thirdly, studies about methods to control moral hazard problem. In the end, the paper commented on these literature findings. Both the developing history of deposit insurance institution in America and the researeh history showed that moral hazard was the inherent deficiency of deposit insuranee and determined the success or failure of its enforce ment.
作者 谢雪燕 刘普
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第11期120-127,共8页 Insurance Studies
关键词 存款保险 道德风险 联邦存款保险修正案 deposit insurance moral hazard Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act
  • 相关文献


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