
基于中介效应的心理资本与知识转移的影响机理研究 被引量:4

Research on Mechanism between Psychological Capital and Knowledge Transferring Based on Mediation Effect
摘要 众所周知,知识转移直接受制于知识转移双方的转移意愿、能力和机会,而个体心理资本直接影响知识转移双方的知识转移动机、意愿以及知识转移能力的发挥,从而影响知识转移的效率和效果。基于此,文章从企业动态竞争优势的现实需要出发提出基于中介效应的心理资本与知识转移影响机理研究;通过对心理资本与知识转移的文献综述,提出了心理资本与知识转移的命题假设;根据知识转移意愿对知识转移的影响以及心理资本对知识转移意愿的影响,提出了基于转移意愿的心理资本与知识转移影响命题假设;根据知识转移能力对知识转移的影响以及心理资本对知识转移能力的影响,提出了基于转移能力的心理资本与知识转移影响命题假设;进而,提出了基于意愿和能力中介效应的心理资本与知识转移影响路径和解释结构模型。 It' s well-known that the individual psychological capital directly influences the will and ability, and then affects the performance of the knowledge transferring. So the research on the mechanism between psychological capital and knowledge transferring is very important. Reviewing the relevant literature, this paper puts forth the hypothesis of the relationship between the psychological capital and the knowledge transferring. Then, the hypothesis of the relationship between the psychological capital and the knowledge transferring based on the mediation effect of the knowledge transfela'ing will. And the hypothesis of the relationship between the psychological capital and the knowledge transferring based on the mediation effect of the knowledge transferring ability. Finally, tile paper conceives the comprehensive model and designs the influence path between the psychological capital and the knowledge transferring based on the mediation effect of the knowledge transferring will and ability.
机构地区 武汉理工大学
出处 《当代经济管理》 2012年第11期34-38,共5页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(武汉理工大学自主创新研究基金 2012-Ib-042)
关键词 心理资本 中介效应 知识转移 psychological capital mediation effect knowledge transferring
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