
危机后全球金融结构力量的变革 被引量:1

The Change of the Global Financial Structure Strength in the Post-crisis Era
摘要 2008年爆发的金融危机不仅使世界经济陷入衰退,而且是美元—华尔街体制下金融结构力量变革的分水岭。影响金融结构力量变革的因素包括霸权思想的盛行、金融资本的集中分配、信用评级机构的角色担当以及全球化媒体的舆论监督等。历来全球金融结构力量的较量都发生在美欧之间,但此次危机却给了新兴市场国家强大起来的机会。自此美元独霸天下的局面有所改观,欧元虽"叫板"于美元却在经受着欧债危机的考验,唯新兴市场国家凭借较快的经济增长,在构建国际金融秩序的谈判中赢得了更多话语权。中国应加快推进人民币国际化进程,争取在国际金融力量的变革中占据主动。 The financial crisis erupted in 2008 has not only dragged the world’s economy into a recession but also caused the global financial structure strength under the Dollar-Wall Street regime to begin to change. There are some factors which influence the change of the global financial structure strength, such as the prevailing of hegemonism, the social allocation of capital, the role of credit rating and public opinion supervision in globalization, etc. The contest of the global financial structure strength often happened between the US and Europe. However, the crisis in 2008 offered an opportunity for the emerging market countries to become powerful. Henceforth, the situation that US dollar dominated the world has been changed. Although Euro 'challenges' US dollar, it is tested by European debt crisis. Only the emerging market countries with strong economic growth have won more discourse power in the negotiation of building new international financial order. China should accelerate RMB’s internationalization and gain dominance in the international financial competition.
作者 岳华
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期109-115,152,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划课题(2007FJB001)的阶段性成果
关键词 危机 金融结构力量 变革 crisis, global financial structure strength, change
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