
比较优势论的绝对价格版解析——兼论欧债危机成因以及中国外向型道路边际收益递减现象 被引量:1

An Absolute Price Analysis about the Comparative Advantage Theory: On the Cause of the European Debt Crisis and the Reason Why the Marginal Revenue of China’s Export-oriented Economy is Decreasing
摘要 李嘉图的比较优势论用产品的相对价格来阐述产业竞争力,不够通俗易懂。如果将相对价格版比较优势"翻译"为绝对价格版,不仅使比较优势论更易理解,而且可以发现相对价格版中的一个盲点。由此则可挖掘出所有产品的绝对价格都高昂的国家如何通过萧条、产业调整、价格下跌来实现其潜在比较优势的"浴火重生机制",从而揭示欧债危机的一种古典型解决方法。同时,将李嘉图的"小国—大国模型"加以拓展,亦可解释中国外向型道路边际收益递减的现象。 Ricardo’s comparative advantage theory, which explains the competitive power of industries with relative prices of products, is not easy to understand. The author 'translates' the relative price model of the comparative advantage theory into the absolute price model, not only to make the theory easier to understand, but also to point out a blind spot in the relative price model, and to illustrate how a country in which prices of all goods are absolutely expensive can manage to restore its actual comparative advantage through painful recession, adjustments among industries and price declining-the so-called 'surviving from the fire mechanism'. In this way a classical type of solution for the European debt crisis can be found. Furthermore, Ricardo’s 'big country-small country model' can be expanded to explain why the marginal revenue of China’s and other East Asian countries’ export-oriented economy is decreasing.
作者 聂丹
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期125-133,152-153,共9页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金青年项目(04CJL016)的阶段性成果
关键词 李嘉图 比较优势 欧债危机 中国外向型发展道路 Ricardo, comparative advantage, European debt crisis, China’s export-oriented economy
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