介绍一种气流干燥机在膨化饲料上的干燥和冷却。该干燥机利用热空气穿透滞留在传送带上的饲料 ,直接传热和传质 ,降水能力在 8%~ 1 0 % ,干燥温度低 ,蛋白变性小 ,干燥后胚色浅 ,粉末度小 ,料胚表面无吸附水膜现象。
A kind of airflow dryer in drying and cooling extruded feedstuff is described here.Its principle is that hot air directly permeate the retention feedstuff layer on stainless railings.directly transfer mass and heat.It can decrease the noisture of material to 8-10%,low temperature in drying process,keeping quality of protein and light color in the dryied feedstuff with low powder as wellas no appearance of a water film on the surface of the material.