Xiamen Xiang' an subsea tunnel passes through several weathered groove in seabed. The rock mass surrounding tunnel in weath- ered groove is weathered and fragmented granite with strong penetrabihty, high water pressure, poor self - stability, and high risk during tunneling. It is very important to carry out the physical and mechanical characteristics of weathered groove for designing and tunneling. The study on the destroy of seepage and creep test were carried our in this paper. The result indicates that the seepage stability of weathered groove( F1, F4) under full water pressure is satisfied, however, it is necessary to monitor the seepage stability since the situation will change in tunneling due to displacement in strata. Three - axis test indicates that the strongly weathered granite shows low strength, high compressibility, low elastomeric module and presents a distinct plastic process after maximal stress. The result of three - axis creep test shows that the strongly weathered granite behaves with obvious viscosity, which is unfavorable to both the stability of surrounding rock in tunneling and the long stage stability of lining. It should be noticed in tunneling. The creep characteristics of strongly weathered granite was well imitated by a non - linearity creep model. The research in this paper provided key parameters of weathered groove for the designer and contractor of Xiang' an subsea tunnel.
Fujian Construction Science & Technology
subsea tunnel
weathered groove
weathered and fragmented granite
seepage destroy
creep test