
创伤的记忆:“他者”的病态身份构建——浅析莫里森新作《慈悲》 被引量:6

Traumatic Memory:The Morbid Identity Construction of “the Other” in Morrison's A Mercy
摘要 记忆,尤其是创伤性记忆在莫里森的新作《慈悲》中占据了大半篇幅,这些创伤记忆无论是对人物形象的刻画还是对文章主题的彰显,都起到了重要作用。其实,小说里几乎所有的人物都或多或少经受过不同程度的心理或生理创伤,致使他们沦为了社会的"他者";而创伤又在人物的记忆里"阴魂不散",这些创伤场景在他们内心不断回放时,不仅加重了他们的身心创伤,而且也导致了小说中的"他者"们病态的身份构建,这也是其身份构建失败的重要原因。 Memory, especially traumatic memory widely spread in Toni Morrison's new work, A Mercy, plays an essential role in sketching characters and reveals the theme. Actually, almost all the figures in this novel are, to varying degrees, traumatize either physically or psychologically to become "the other" to the main society. The haunting memory not only aggravates their trauma, but renders their morbid identity construction, and it is the reason why they fail to construct their identity.
出处 《天津外国语大学学报》 2012年第6期65-71,共7页 Journal of Tianjin Foreign Studies University
关键词 创伤的记忆 病态身份构建 他者 traumatic memory morbid identity construction the other
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