

Effect of bias voltage on the structural,optical and electrical properties of ZnO:Zr thin films
摘要 以Zn:Zr(Zr片贴在金属Zn靶上面)为溅射靶材,利用直流反应磁控溅射法在Ar/O2混合气氛中制备Zr掺杂ZnO(ZnO:Zr)薄膜.在制备ZnO:Zr薄膜时,衬底偏压在0~60V之间变化.研究结果表明,衬底偏压对薄膜的结构、光学及电学性能有很大影响.当衬底偏压从0增大到60V时,薄膜的平均光学透过率和平均折射率都单调增大,而薄膜的晶粒尺寸先增大后减小.ZnO:Zr薄膜电阻率的变化规律与晶粒尺寸相反. Zr-doped ZnO thin films were fabricated in Ar/O2 mixture gas by DC reactive magne- tron sputtering from a Zn:Zr target where Zr chips were attached on the surface of the metallic Zn target. During the process of deposition, the substrate bias voltage ranges from 0 to 60 V. Re- sults indicate that the bias voltage plays an important role in the structure, optical and electrical properties of the deposited films. When the bias voltage increases from 0 to 60V, the average op- tical transmittance and refractive index of ZnO: Zr films monotoneously increase. However, the crystallite size increases initially and then decreases with increasing bias voltage. For the resistivi- ty of ZnO:Zr films, the variation is on the contrary.
作者 张化福
出处 《山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第5期1-3,25,共4页 Journal of Shandong University of Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 山东省自然科学基金资助项目(ZR2009GQ011)
关键词 反应磁控溅射 衬底偏压 ZnO:Zr 薄膜 reactive magnetron sputtering substrate bias voltage ZnO:Zr thin films
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