
词汇任务下中英双语者非目标语言的激活层面 被引量:4

The Processing of Non-target Language with the Lexical Decision Tasks of Chinese-English Bilinguals
摘要 采用长时重复启动范式,探讨母语为汉语的中英双语者在词汇判断任务中非目标语言的激活层面。实验1在学习阶段采用词汇判断任务,测验阶段采用非目标语言的翻译对等词的生物属性判断任务。实验2在学习阶段采用词汇判断任务,测验阶段采用非目标语言对应的图片的生物属性判断任务。两个实验的结果都发现,不管非目标语言是英文还是中文,学习过的单词的反应时和正确率跟未学习过的差异不显著,即没有出现长时重复启动效应。 Two experiments based on the long repetition priming were designed to investigate the processing of non-target language with the lexical decision tasks. In the experiment 1, the participants took the lexical decision tasks in study block and took biological properties decision task of words in test block. In the experiment 2, the participants took the lexical decision tasks in study block and took the biological properties decision task of pictures in test block. Both in experiment 1 and experiment 2, the response time to the words studied was not significantly faster than that to the words unstudied in the test block whether the non-target language is English or Chinese. Our study revealed that when Chinese-English bilinguals were asked to orient their attention to only one language in the language comprehension transition, the non-target language was only active on vocabulary level but not accessed on conceptual level.
出处 《心理研究》 2012年第6期27-34,共8页 Psychological Research
关键词 双语者 非目标语言 长时重复启动效应 bilinguals non-target language long repetition priming
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