Indian people is the biggest population of Bolivia, up to 60 percent of the nation's whole population. The Indian ethnic people are of as many as thirty-six branches, among them, the Quechua the Ayrrmra are two most populous groups. Since the long time far from the colonial era, Bolivian Indian people, suffered all kinds of exploitation by the colonial authority, have been thrown into the lowest ceil in the social ladder, almost half of the Indian ethnic people live in an extreme poverty. On the other hand, all the land and mineral resources are controlled by whites and Indo- European hybrids. Through a constant struggle, eventually Evo Morales as the first original Indian person became Bolivian president in the year of 2006. Under the Morales administration, a constitution was passed, in which Bolivia is identified as an ethnically united nation as well, and the former Republic of Bolivia was changed into the ethnically united Bolivia. All of these steps are served to identify the nature of Bolivia state made up of multiple ethnic groups. With this kind of policies and measures, the ethnic relations and the social status in Bolivian society has been improved evidently.
Journal of World Peoples Studies