3Hillery , G. A. (1955)"Definitions of Community:Areas of Agreement. "In:Rural Sociology, Vol. 2.
5Stein,M. R. (1960)The Eclipse of Community, Princeton: Priceton University Press.
6Park,R. E. (1916)"The City:suggestion for investigation of htunan behavior in the urban environment. "Reprinted in R. Sennet (ed.) (1969), Classic Essays on the Culture of Cities. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, pp91-130.
7Fisher, C. S. (1984), The Urban Experlence, New Youk: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. PP131-137.
8参见Speare, A. J. (1974), "Residential satisfaction as an intervening variable in residential mobility", Demography. 11(2).
9Komblum, M. (1974), Blue collar community, Chicago: University of Chic. ago Press.