This paper deals with the profile measurement of impurity ion temperature and toroidal rotation velocity that can be achieved by using the charge exchange recombination spectrum (CXRS) diagnostics tool built on the HL-2A toknmak. By using CXRS, an accurate impurity ion temperature and toroidal plasma rotation velocity profile can be achieved under the condition of neutrM beam injection (NBI) heating. Considering the edge effect of the line of CVI 529.06 nm (n= 8-7), which contains three lines (active exciting spectral line (ACX), passivity exciting spectral line (PCX) and electron exciting spectral line (ICE)), and using three Gaussian fitted curves, we obtain the following experimental results: the core ion temperature of HL-2A device is nearly thousands of eV, and the plasma rotation velocity reaches about 104 m· s^-1. At the end of paper, some explanations are presented for the relationship between the curves and the inner physical mechanism.
This paper deals with the profile measurement of impurity ion temperature and toroidal rotation velocity that can be achieved by using the charge exchange recombination spectrum (CXRS) diagnostics tool built on the HL-2A toknmak. By using CXRS, an accurate impurity ion temperature and toroidal plasma rotation velocity profile can be achieved under the condition of neutrM beam injection (NBI) heating. Considering the edge effect of the line of CVI 529.06 nm (n= 8-7), which contains three lines (active exciting spectral line (ACX), passivity exciting spectral line (PCX) and electron exciting spectral line (ICE)), and using three Gaussian fitted curves, we obtain the following experimental results: the core ion temperature of HL-2A device is nearly thousands of eV, and the plasma rotation velocity reaches about 104 m· s^-1. At the end of paper, some explanations are presented for the relationship between the curves and the inner physical mechanism.
supported by ITER Research Project of China Matched Program (No.2009GB107004)
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (No.ZYGX2010J056)
Natural Natural Science Foundation of China (No.11205027)