
旅游体验与个人变化:一个分析的框架 被引量:9

Tourist Experience and Personal Change: An Analytical Framework
摘要 相对于旅游对目的地和居民影响方面的研究,学界对旅游者个人变化的研究未能给予足够的关怀。本文通过选取国外有关旅游体验与个人变化的18篇文献,对其研究设计、理论基础、主要观点进行分析。本文认为,旅游恰如一种"通过仪式",这种体验经历对旅游者的心理和行为产生影响,带来能力、人格和行为等多个方面的改变。 This paper focuses on the relationship between tourist experience and personal changes of tourists. The thesis comments on the design, theoretic basis and main points of 18 selected articles by foreign scholars on tourist experience and personal changes. It shows that such tourist experience, like the rites of passage, impacts tourists' psychology and behaviors with changes in ability, personality and behaviors.
作者 余志远
机构地区 闽江学院旅游系
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 2012年第5期9-19,共11页 Tourism Science
关键词 旅游者 旅游体验 自我认同 叙事 tourist tourist experience self-identity narrative
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