
行与知的审视:英国教师培训的实践取向 被引量:3

The Survey on the Relationship between Knowledge and Practice: the Practice Orientation of the British Teacher Training
摘要 英国教师培训在行与知的纠结中经历了从基于教师的"工作职场"到依赖于高校或培训机构再到回归于教师的"工作职场",从重视实践到强调理论再到实践中反思的过程。经过不断的改革,英国教师培训已显露出了以实践为导向的发展趋势,并呈现出基于教师工作职场,关注教师的反思实践和重视伙伴合作的特点。通过对其历史发展和特点的分析有助于把握英国教师培训的导向,并从中获得有益的启示。 Theory or practice, the British teacher training has experienced the shift from workplace based to university or training institution based, then back to the workplace based, from paying more attention to practice, then to the theory and again to the reflection of the practice. With the development of the reforms, the British teacher training has showed a trend of being guided by the practice with the characteristic of paying more attention to the teacher's reflection and partner cooperation based on the teachers' workplace. The analysis of its historical development and characteristics will help to grasp the orientation of the British teacher training and get beneficial enlightenment.
作者 杜静
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期30-34,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2009年度全国教育科学“十一五”规划项目“国际视域下实践导向的教师培训研究”的阶段性成果,项目编号:BFA090081
关键词 英国教育 教师培训 价值导向 实践取向 British education teacher training value-oriented practice-oriented
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