
微创介入手术导管自动介入方法的研究 被引量:1

Study of an automatic catheterization method for minimally invasive surgery
摘要 为了实现可操作导管在血管内自动或半自动的介入操作,提出了一种基于连续机器人模型的运动控制方法。该方法首先采用刚性的连杆和关节建立导管远端的运动学模型,并运用D—H法对导管远端进行运动学分析,得到导管端部与关节变量的雅可比矩阵,并获得导管远端的运动控制规律;然后将利用广义势场法提取的血管模型中心线经由配准矩阵转化生成磁场空间中的导航路径;最后通过确保导管端点位于控制圆内的控制策略利用输送装置操作导管在血管模型主动脉弓中自动介入。实验结果表明,在主动脉弓这样管径的血管中,该方法能够实现自动操作导管三个自由度的运动,完成导管的自动介入操作。 In order to implement automatic or semi-automatic catheterization in minimally invasive cardiac interventions by manipulating a steerable catheter, a control strategy based on a continuum robot model is proposed. Firstly, the strategy constructs the kinematics model of the catheter' s distal end with rigid links and joints, and performs the ki- nematic analysis of the catheter' s distal end using the D-H method to obtain the Jacobian matrix for the variables of the catheter' s ends and joints, and then the kinematics control law of the catheter' s distal end; After that, the generalized potential field method is utilized to extract the skeleton of 3D vasculature reconstructed, and then the navigation path in magnetic space is generated through the registration matrix; Finally, through applying an ap- proach to ensure the distal end of catheter to lie in the control circle, the automatic catheterization is accomplished in an aortic arch using a conveyor device. The experimental results indicate that the presented method could fulfill automatic control of a catheter' s 3DOF movement and complete the automatic catheterization in an aortic arch.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1182-1188,共7页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2007AA042237)资助项目.
关键词 微创介入手术 连续机器人 导管运动学 自动介入 minimally invasive surgery, continuum robot, kinematics of catheter, automatic catheterization
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