
基于系统动力学个体安全经验研究 被引量:2

The Study of Individual Safety Experiences Based on System Dynamics
摘要 安全经验作为约束员工不安全行为的非正式手段越来越受到安全管理人员的重视,该文主要围绕员工个体安全经验,运用复杂系统知识,利用系统动力学Vensim软件,建立了员工个体安全经验系统的因果关系,通过设计4组方案对比分析了员工接受安全培训的次数和员工适应岗位的时间这两个因素对员工个体安全经验和企业总安全经验的影响效果及程度,得出在员工刚入厂时不宜变换其工作岗位,一定时期后应以加强安全培训为主来提高员工的个体安全经验。预测与分析员工个体安全经验发展趋势,有助于企业安全监管部门对员工个体安全经验的提升进行规划指导,制定有关政策以保证员工个体安全经验的增长,从而达到提高员工自身防御风险的能力。 Safety experience as an informal means of restraining employees unsafe behavior has drawn more and more atten- tion from safety managers. This study is mainly about safety experience of individual employee, combining the knowledge of complex system with Vensim software to establish system causality on safety experience of individual employee, by designing four- group programs and contrasting the times that staffs accept safety training to the work time that employees adapt to file positions, to discuss these two factors whose effects and extent on safety experience of individual employees and total safety experience of enterprise and finding out that in the factory the staff newly recruited is unfavorable to be ehangod jobs, after a certain period of safety training should be enhanced to improve safety experiences of individual employees. The forecast and analysis of development trend about safety experience of individual employees contributes to the safety supervision de- partment planning guidance to promote safety experience of individual employees and formulating related policies to ensure the growth of safety experiences of individual employees, so as to improve the ability of employee self- defense risks.
出处 《工业安全与环保》 北大核心 2012年第8期90-93,共4页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
关键词 复杂系统 系统动力学 安全管理 安全经验 VENSIM complex system system dynamics safety management safety experiences Vensim
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