
硅纳米线阵列光伏电池及其广角光伏转换 被引量:1

Si nanowire array solar cells with efficient wide-angle photovoltaic conversion
摘要 采用金属援助刻蚀和溶液填充的方法,构筑了原理型Si/导电聚合物(聚3,4-乙撑二氧噻吩:聚苯乙烯磺酸盐,PEDOT:PSS)核壳纳米线阵列光伏电池。电池的光伏转换效率不依赖于入射光强,达到了6.8%。改变入射光角度,表征了电池的广角光伏转换性能。入射角在45°范围内的有效光电转换效率相对于正入射的光伏转换效率仅降低12%。实验结果表明,纳米线阵列结构的光伏电池有益于广角太阳能转换。 The efficient Si/conducting polymer of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) :poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT: PSS) core/shell nanowire array solar cells have been fabricated by metal-assisted Si chemical etching followed by a PEDOT: PSS solution filling and drying process. The power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the hybrid solar cell is independent of incident intensity and reaches 6. 8%. The wide-angle photovoltaic conversion property is characterized by changing incident angle. The conversion efficiency with the incident angle less than 45° is only reduced by 12% compared with under nromal incidance. The hybrid solar cells show excellent wide-angle photovoltaic conversion performance.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期2277-2282,共6页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家自然科学基金(61204068) 中国科学院半导体研究所半导体材料科学重点实验室开放课题(KLSMS-1107) 浙江大学硅材料国家重点实验室开放课题(SKL2010-5) 湛江师范学院博士启动专项(ZL1111)资助项目
关键词 SI 导电聚合物 核壳纳米线阵列 光伏电池 广角光伏转换 Si/conducting polymer core/shell nanowire array solar cells wide-angle photovohaic conversion
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