

Remark on Global Existence of Smooth Solutions to Three-Dimensional Compressible Isentropic Euler Equations for Chaplygin Gases
摘要 研究了三维可压等熵Euler方程Cauchy问题光滑解的整体存在性.如果初值是一个常状态的小扰动并且初速度的旋度等于零,证明了三维可压等熵Euler方程Cauchy问题光滑解的整体存在性. In this paper we prove that global existence of smooth solutions to Cauchy problem for compressible isentropic Euler equations for Chaplygin gases or Karman-Tsien gases in three space dimensions , provided that the initial data are obtained by adding a small smooth perturbation with compact support to a constant state and the vorticity of the initial velocity vanishes.
作者 赵娟 王银霞
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第23期217-222,共6页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 华北水利水电学院高层次人才资助项目(201031)
关键词 可压Euler方程 CAUCHY问题 零条件 整体光滑解 compressible Euler equations Cauchy problem null condition global existence
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