Dynamic capability has advanced for about fifteen years to explain how firms evolve along constrain- ed trajectories and deal with the rigidities created by organizational path dependence. Although the field of dynamic capabilities has attracted intensive research effort, scholars have not reached a consensus on dynamic capabilities and their roles. First, the definition of dynamic capabilities still remains ambiguous to a large extent. Second, the fundamental construct of dynamic capabilities has not been properly operationalized. Third, the relationship between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage has been narrowly theorized and insufficiently tested. Therefore, some scholars, regardless of the "infancy stage" of dynamic capabilities' study, demonstrated that dynamic capabili- ties should be given up because it is similar to "the Emperor's New Clothes". The purpose of this article is to refute these criticisms, analyze the research path of extant literature on dynamic capabilities. First, it clarifies theoretical foundation and environmental background on emerging of dynamic capabili- ties. Dynamic capabilities are derived from some relevant concepts such as core competence, absorptive capabilities, integrative capabilities, combinative capabilities, and architectural competence. It is fabricated to synthesize the na- ture of these relevant concepts and used to explain the source of competitive advantage under the conditions of hy- per-competition. As a result, it is a different concept with deep theoretical background from these existing concepts. Second, it synthesizes a number of important definitions of dynamic capability and disaggregates them into three components: subject, behavior, and object of a capability. As to behaviors, the terms of "integrate"," reconfigure", "modify", "learning", "extend", and "create" are often used. As to the object of behaviors, distinct terms, such as competence, asset, resource, and ordinary capabilities, are used in different definitions. However, many scholars criti- cize that the constructs of dynamic capabilities are vague, mysterious, abstract, and tautological. To summarize, dy- namic capabilities, with the aid of a portfolio concept, are deconstructed into three parts in this article that are posi- tion portfolio, process portfolio, and path portfolio. Position portfolio is related to the object of a dynamic capability, process portfolio is associated with behaviors, and path portfolio is linked with subject of a dynamic capability and evolution of position and process. Third, it identifies three relationships between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage. Some argue that dynamic capabilities have a direct effect on competitive advantage, some suggest that dynamic capabilities play an indirect influence on performance by modifying the operational capabilities, while others point out that dynamic ca- pabilities are necessary, but not sufficient, condition for competitive advantage. Thus, a new framework of relation- ship between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantages is developed, as well as the dominant logic of these three portfolios on competitive advantage are discussed in terms of resource-based view, evolutionary economics, and behavioral theory, which reveals that dynamic capabilities are not an emperor's new clothes. Lastly, it notes that there are some future directions to this study. First of all, efforts should be made to continue to disaggregate dynamic capabilities. Moreover, future researches should develop the operationalization of dynamic capabilities and select appropriate alternative metrics. In addition, more data from field-based survey should be col- lected to explore the construct and role of dynamic capabilities by diverse research methods. In so doing, we would collect more evidence by which to confirm, refine, and refute dynamic capabilities' fundamental hypotheses, thereby enriching our understanding of the role that dynamic capabilities play in a firm's success and growth.
Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
dynamic capabilities
competitive advantage
theoretical foundation
research paths