
新疆乌拉泊库区3种灌木树干液流对比研究 被引量:4

Sap Flow Dynamics of the Three Shrubs Species in Wulabo Reservoir,Xinjiang
摘要 [目的]为干旱区水源函养林适宜树种选择、健康培育及科学经营与管理提供理论依据。[方法]选择新疆乌拉泊库区水源涵养林3种主要灌木树种紫穗槐、榆叶梅和疏花蔷薇,利用热扩散探针配合自动气象站,于2009年5和8月对树干液流和气象进行同步监测。[结果](1)3种灌木树种树干液流流速呈宽单峰曲线;5月平均液流流速最高的是榆叶梅,达0.027 cm/s,其次是疏花蔷薇,为0.024.cm/s,最低的是紫穗槐,为0.018 cm/s;8月树干液流平均流速最高的是紫穗槐,达0.013 cm/s,其次是疏花蔷薇,达0.008 cm/s,最低的是榆叶梅,为0.007 cm/s,该3种灌木树种5月树干液流速率均高于8月。(2)3种树种的树干液流流速与气温和太阳辐射强度呈现极显著正相关,与空气相对湿度为极显著负相关。除疏花蔷薇树干液流速率与风速有显著关系外,榆叶梅和紫穗槐树干液流流速与风速关系不密切。(3)5月日耗水量最高的是榆叶梅,为3.87L/d,紫穗槐和疏花蔷薇次之,分别为2.94和2.92 L/d;8月日耗水量最高的是紫穗槐,为2.12 L/d,榆叶梅和疏花蔷薇次之,分别为1.00和0.97 L/d。与3种灌木树干液流流速季节变化相似,日耗水量变化也表现为5月高于8月。 This study selected Amorphafruticosa, Prunus triloba and Rose laxa of the same age (4 a) and seedling origin under the same site conditions in water resources protection forest in Wulabo, Xinjiang, and simultaneouslty measured the sap flow velocity and related environmental factors using thermal dissipation method and automatic measuring system of weather station. The results showed that : ( 1 ) the sap flow velocity of other tree shrubs species exhibited wide mono - peak diurnal patters. The highest average slap flow velocity in May was Prunus triloba (0.027 cm/s) , the middle fruticosa (0. 018 cm/s) , the highest slap flow velocity was Rose laxa (0. 024 cm/s), the lowest was Amorpha in August was Amorphafruticosa Prunus triloba (0. 013 cm/s) , the middle was Rose laxa (0. 008 cm/s) , and the lowest was Prunus triloba (0. 007 cm/s). (2) The sap flow velocities of the three shrubs were positively correlated with air temperature and solar radiation, and were negatively correlated with relative humidity. With the exception of Rose laxa whose sap flow velocity was positively correlated with wind speed, the sap flow velocities of other two shrubs were not correlated with wind speed. (3) The highest of diurnal water consumption in May was Prunus triloba (3.87 L/d), the followings were Amorpha fruticosa and Rose laxa, which were 2.94 and 2.92 L/d, respectively. The highest of diurnal water consumptions in August was Amorpha fruticosa (2. 12 L/d), the followings were Prunus triloba and Rose laxa, which were 1.00 and 0.97 L/d. Similar to the sap flow velocity, the diurnal water consumption of Amorphafruticosa, Prunus triloba and Rose laxa in May also were higher than those in August.
出处 《新疆农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期2035-2041,共7页 Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划(2006BAD03A1804 2006BAD03A0702/wb08) 新疆林业科技专项资金项目"天山北坡经济带山地森林生态系统服务功能及其价值研究" 国家林业公益性行业科研专项(200804022)
关键词 树干液流 日耗水量 气象因子 水源涵养林 sap flow diurnal water consumption meteorologic factors water resources protection forest
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