
南海问题新趋势及前景探析 被引量:2

On the New Trends and Prospects of the South China Sea Disputes
摘要 南海问题是南海周边国家之间长期悬而未决的领土争端问题。近年来,南海地区安全形势的变化表现出一些新特征。文章分析了南海问题的最新发展趋势,探究其未来走向,认为应该采取一种综合性的危机管理与预防机制,通过加强在能源、非传统安全领域的功能性合作,建立互信措施,并在此基础上努力达成有约束力的规范性安排,以寻求最终解决南海问题。 The South China Sea problems are the unresolved territorial disputes involving some Southeast Asian coun- tries and China. Recently, the security enviromnent in SCS appears some new trends. By analyzing the latest developments and their prospects, this article advocates that a kind of comprehensive crisis management and prevention mechanisms should be enforced. The mutual trust and the binding normative arrangements, which will help to solve the disputes finally, only can be established by strengthening functional cooperation on energy and other non-traditional security issues.
作者 王联合
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2012年第4期38-45,共8页 Southeast Asian Affairs
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划专题研究课题"中国海外利益研究"(2010ZEC001)阶段性成果 上海市重点学科建设项目(B701)
关键词 南海问题 中国 东盟 美国 SCS disputes, China, ASEAN, the U. S.
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