

A Preliminary Study of Church's Social Action in the Philippines
摘要 现代天主教社会学说之创立与发展是天主教应对工业革命以来全球政治经济与社会发生深刻变化的重要表现,教会积极的"入世"姿态与实践反映了教会回应现代社会发展及其挑战的世俗化特征与趋势。当代菲律宾天主教会的社会行动,既是现代天主教社会理论推动的结果,更是菲律宾教会面对20世纪初期菲律宾政治经济与社会变迁挑战的自觉回应,它反映了现代菲律宾教会关注民族国家社会现实的本土化与世俗主义趋势,同时也体现了宗教在现代社会参与解决政治经济与社会问题,探索社会发展途径的实践与范式。 The founding of Vatican social teaching greatly promoted Catholic church' s social involvement around the world. This paper focuses on Philippine Catholic church' s social action, arguing that increasingly deteriorating political-e- conomic environment compelled Philippine church to respond to overall crises and challenges by being involved into the so- cial justice program to fight for social justice. Philippine church' s social action demonstrates church' s transition to modernity and trend towards secularism in the Philippines as well as the paradigm of church in exploring the solution dealing with social issues and an emerging substitute of social-economic development mode in modem society.
作者 施雪琴
出处 《南洋问题研究》 CSSCI 2012年第4期83-91,共9页 Southeast Asian Affairs
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目"东南亚宗教与政治发展:历史与现状"(11JJD810015)阶段性成果
关键词 天主教社会学说 菲律宾教会 社会行动 Catholic Social teaching, Philippine Catholic church, social involvement
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  • 6《菲律宾史》,开封:河南大学出版社,1990,p488,489,491.
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  • 8Joint Statement of the Catholic Hierarchy of the Philippines on the Book "The Pride of the Malay Race", http://// www. cbcponline, net/documents/1950s/1950-malay_race, html .
  • 9Statementof thePhilippine Hierarchy on Masony, http : ffwww, cbcponline, net/documents/1950s/1954-masonry, html.
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