
外贸增长疲弱 形势仍然严峻

Chinese foreign trade enterprises enter the crucial period of transformation and upgrade
摘要 全球经济很可能长期低迷,复苏的曲折性和艰巨性进一步凸显。今后一段时间,外贸发展环境难有明显改善,诸多负面因素叠加,将给外贸带来更大挑战。 The global economy is likely into a long-term downturn and recovery is difficult. For a long time, the foreign trade development environment is difficult to be improved obviously. Many negative factors are overlaid and will bring the foreign trade greater challenge. Impacted by the dual factors of international market fluctuation, domestic economic environment tightening, Chinese foreign trade enterprises are facing a new round of survival predicament. Industry analysts pointed out that in the current economic situation, foreign trade enterprises gradually enter the crucial period of transformation and upgrade. At the same time, China's foreign trade development also has quite a number of favorable conditions and opportunities for development. Its traditional advantages are not fundamentally weakened and its new advantage is gradually established. Objectively speaking, the external pressure also forces enterprises to adjust structure, transform way and promote endogenous power and international competitiveness. In the first half of this year, export growth of the share of global exports is nearly 3.2% of three-quarters in 30 countries (regions), lower than 6% in China. It shows that in the global scope, the Chinese exports still have strong competitiveness.
作者 姚大伟
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2012年第12期24-26,10,共3页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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