
中国西部地区政府办医院门诊与住院服务质量综合评价 被引量:1

Comprehensive evaluation of clinical and hospitalized service of hospitals that are run by Chinese western district government
摘要 目的对中国西部地区12个省(直辖市、自治区)政府办医院门诊与住院服务情况进行综合评价,为相关机构制定政策提供参考依据。方法应用秩和比法进行统计分析。结果将中国西部地区12个省(直辖市、自治区)政府办医院的门诊与住院服务情况分为4档,其中评价结果为优的省份包括云南、四川;为良的包括贵州、陕西;为中的包括广西、新疆、甘肃、内蒙古、重庆;为差的包括青海、宁夏、西藏。中国西部地区地域辽阔,整体经济欠发达,但西部地区12个省(直辖市、自治区)地理环境、人口数量、医疗机构数量存在较大差异,政府办医院门诊与住院服务情况有着多方面的不均衡性。本文将评价指标体系进行标准化,评价结果符合实际情况。例如:四川在综合评价中是优,实际中四川省地区政府办医院门诊与住院服务情况的各项指标均处于中国西部地区前列;再如:西藏、宁夏:青海政府办医院门诊与住院服务情况各项指标均处于中国西部地区后列。同时也可发现,中国西部地区政府办医院门诊、住院服务情况中差别最小的指标是急诊抢救成功率,表明西部地区政府办医院急诊抢救水平差别较小。结论秩和比法适用于各类资料的综合评价,能够科学反映中国西部政府办医院门诊与住院的服务情况。 Objective To comprehensively evaluate clinical and hospitalized service of hospitals that are run by 12 Chi- nese western provinces ( Municipalities, autonomous region ) government, to provide reference for formulating the relevant agencies. Methods Applying rank-sum ratio method. Results According to clinical and hospitalized service, 12 provinces ( Munic- ipalities, autonomous region) in western area of China are divided into four gears. The excellent level provinces contain Yunnan, Siehuan. Good level provinces contain Guizhou, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Xinjiang, in Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Chongqing. The poor lever province contain Qinghai, Ningxia, Tibet. Chinese western area region is vast, the overall economy is undeveloped. But the geographical environment, population, the number of different medical institutions of 12 western Province ( Municipalities, auton- omous region) are very different from each others. Service of hospitals run by government is unbalanced in many ways. This arti- cle standardizes the evaluating index, the evaluation results accords with the practical situation. For example: Sichuan is excellent in synthetic evaluation. In fact, every index of clinical and hospitalized service of hospitals run by western province govern- ment is in the front rank, another example, almost every index of clinical and hospitalized service of hospitals run by Tibet, Ningxia, the Qinghai government is lagged. At the same time, we can find that the emergency rescue success rate of different province is the index that have smallest difference in the Chinese western regions, it indicate that the emergency rescue success rate of different province is more or less at the same level. Conclusion RSR method is suit to comprehensive evaluation many kinds of data, can reflect the level of clinical and hospitalized service of hospitals run by government well.
出处 《中国医院统计》 2012年第5期321-323,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Statistics
关键词 秩和比法 西部地区 综合评价 RSR Western China Comprehensive evaluation
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