以Kamp为代表的话语表征理论(DRT)在模型论语义学的基础上,将话语表征结构(DRS)引入语义模型中来,动态地解释E-类代词回指等长期困扰传统形式语义学家的话语回指问题。然而,我们的研究表明,当前的DRT模型还无法对无显性先行语的深层回指作出有效的解释。究其原因,我们认为,与自然语的层次丰富、内容多样的实际特征相比,DRT仅以单一层次的DRS作为话语解读的语境,这无论在思想上还是技术上都过于简单。因此,本文提出了一种基于DRS和KRS(知识表征结构)的二维话语表征语义模型(2D-RS Model),旨在探索更有效的回指消解途径,以期在DRT理论的框架下解决更多的回指问题,进而使DRT在话语回指消解方面的应用更具普遍性。
Discourse Representation Theory (DRT) proposed by Hans Kamp overcomes the fatal weakness encountered in the static se- mantics by introducing originally a discourse representation structure (DRS) as a new level of presentation into the model-theore- tic semantics. At this level, the anaphora types such as referential anaphora, bound-variables, and E-type anaphora are resolved effectively. Nonetheless, further research indicates that the current DRT fails to give an effective interpretation to those types of a- naphora without explicit linguistic antecedents. The results of this study show that the DRS ought to fulfill a dual function, as a mental model of the discourse on the one hand and as a mental model of the world on the other. DRT model is obviously an over- simplieation in both theory and practice comparing with the complexity inherited from natural language and thus a major revision of DRT is called for. In view of the above, the present research sets about extending the original DRT to a Two-Dimensional Dis- course Representation Structure Model (2D-RS) to give the mental model of the world in DRT a due diligence.
Foreign Language Research