
多相伪随机序列在雷达通信一体化中的应用 被引量:14

The Application of Poly-phase Pseudorandom Sequence in Integrated Radar and Communication
摘要 为了减少武器平台电子系统的体积和电磁干扰,一种有效的途径就是实现雷达与通信的一体化。本文首先针对于雷达和通信的作用距离,提出了基于扩频技术的雷达通信一体化系统应采用准连续波体制。其次,针对基于扩频技术的准连续波雷达通信一体化信号设计中所存在的序列周期、序列相关性、多普勒容限和回波遮掩率等问题,提出了一种短周期高主旁瓣比完全互补码共享信号及其相应的序列扩展方法。由理论分析和计算机仿真可知,基于完全互补码的共享信号具有大的多普勒容限和抗回波遮掩性能,能够满足雷达通信一体化系统对波形性能的要求。 Integration of radar and communication on the electronic war platform is an effective method to reduce their volume, electromagnetic interference. In allusion to the periodicity of sequence, doppler tolerance, and echo-eclipse issue in suitable waveforrns design of integrated radar and communication based on poly-phase pseudorandom sequence, the sharing signal based on complete complementary code which has short periodicity, high peak sidelobe ratio is proposed in integrated system, and the proposed expanding scheme of complete complementary code in paper has low computational load. Theoretical analysis and computer simulation show that sharing signal based on poly-phase pseudorandom sequence have the characteristic of excellent correlation,large doppler tolerance and anti-echo eclipse, and can satisfy signal design requirement of integrated radar and communication.
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期1543-1550,共8页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金(61271451) 空装研究生创新基金(KJ2010199) 院科研创新研究基金资助项目(X11ZD202)
关键词 雷达通信一体化 信号共享 完全互补码 多普勒容限 回波遮掩 Integration of radar and communication Signal sharing Complete complementary code Doppler tolerance Echo-eclipse
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