

Vibration Frequency of Strong-coupling Polarons in Quantum Wires
摘要 应用Huybrechts线性组合算符和幺正变换方法,研究了抛物量子线中强耦合极化子的性质.导出了抛物量子线中强耦合极化子基态能量、振动频率和声子平均数随量子线的约束强度和电子—声子耦合强度的变化关系.数值计算表明:抛物量子线中强耦合的振动频率和声子平均数均随约束强度和耦合强度的增大而增加. In this paper, we have studied some properties of strong-coupling polaron in parabolic quantum wires. The varied relation of the mean number of optical phonon and the vibrational frequency are derived by using Huybrenchts' s the linear combination operator and the unitary transformation methods. The numerical calculation illustrates that both the mean number of optical phonou and the vibrational frequency of strong-coupling polaron in paraholic quantum wires will increase with the increasing of confinemenl strength and coupling strength.
出处 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2012年第5期497-500,共4页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Natural Sciences
基金 内蒙古高校自然科学基金资助项目(NJZY12118)
关键词 量子线 极化子 强耦合 振动频率 Quantum wire Strong-coupling Polaron Vibration frequency
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