
陕西牛背梁自然保护区血雉对栖息地的选择 被引量:3

Studies on Habitat Selection by Blood Pheasant in Niubeiliang Nature Reserve of Shaanxi
摘要 2009年1月~2010年12月,对牛背梁自然保护区血雉栖息地选择与利用情况进行了调查研究。结果表明,血雉Ithaginis cruentus sinensis David栖息分布于秦岭主脊以南海拔2000~2500m中山地带、乔木高度较矮(5~10m)、郁闭度较低(0.3~0.5)、林下灌木稀疏(≤0.2)的针阔混交林中。从地形情况来看,则多活动于山坡的上坡位或梁脊处、坡度相对较为平缓(≤25°)地带的半阴半阳坡。距离水源较远(150m),对人为干扰的敏感性相对较弱。从对各生态因子的偏好性来看,血雉比较偏好坡度相对较陡(25°~40°)、乔木高度低矮(≤5m)、郁闭度低(≤0.2)的针叶林,以及盖度在0.3~0.6的竹林、隐蔽性较高(≤5m)、距离水源较近(50~100m)的环境,而对其他因子的选择性和偏好性则无差异。主成分分析表明,血雉栖息地选择的主要因子有3种:干扰因子(依次为坡向、植被类型、坡位、乔木高度与人为干扰距离)、隐蔽因子(灌木盖度、竹林盖度、隐蔽性、坡度、乔木郁闭度和水源距离)和食物因子(灌木盖度)。人为活动干扰是影响血雉对栖息地各生态因子选择的最根本的诱因。 From January 2009 to December 2010, in Niubeiliang nature reserve in Qinling mountain ranges of Shaanxi, the habitat selection and utilization of blood pheasant Ithaginis cruentus sinensis David was studied using the belt-tracing method and sampling method. The results were as followings : blood pheasant in this reserve were most found in mixed conif- erous with canopy height of 5 - 10 m and canopy coverage of 30% - 50% between 2000 m and 2500 m of elevation in the southern of Qinling ridge, where shrub were relatively less intensive, and the coverage of less than 20%. Blood pheasant were attracted onto ridges and inclines with relatively gentle slopes of less than 25°, most occurred on the places with slope direction of 45 °- 135° or 225° - 315°. Blood pheasant is more evenly distributed in the bamboo forest, far away from water sources ( 150 m ) , and the sensitivity of human disturbance is relatively weak. On the preference of ecological factors, blood pheasant prefer the slope is relatively steep (25° -40°), coniferous forests with canopy height low ( ≤5 m), canopy coverage low ( ≤0.2), and as well as coverage in the 0.3 -0.6 of a bamboo forest, sheltering high ( ≤5 m), distance to water sources closer (50 - 100 m). In other ecological factors, there is no significant different between the selectivity and preferences. The principal component analysis shows that there are mainly three factors affecting the habitat selection of blood pheasant. They are classified as disturbance factor (slope direction, vegetation type, slope position, canopy height, and distance to human disturbance) , sheltering factor ( cover of shrub, cover of bamboo forest, sheltering class, slope gra- dient, canopy coverage of trees, and distance to water resource) , and food factor (coverage of shrub). Disturbance of hu- man activities is the most fundamental factors in ecological factors selection of habitat by blood pheasant.
出处 《四川动物》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期970-975,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划子专题(2008BADB0B040106)
关键词 血雉 生态因子 主成分分析 栖息地选择 牛背梁自然保护区 Ithaginis cruentus sinensis David ecological factor principal component analysis habitat selection Niubeil- iang nature reserve
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